How to restore backup for BIMcloud Server or Manager
Restore server backup in case of server malfunction
You must restore the backups for each reinstalled Server/BIMcloud Manager separately. You can only restore data for servers that have saved backups.
To restore a server backup, follow these steps:
As needed, uninstall the corrupted BIMcloud Server components from the machine.
Reinstall the BIMcloud Server and/or BIMcloud Manager.
Notes about reinstalling BIMcloud:
Make sure new installations are of the same version and build number as the original installations! This is necessary in order to read the backup files. In case of build/version discrepancy, you will get a warning telling you which build you need to install.
If possible, use the same address and port settings for the new BIMcloud Server as for its original installation. (This way, the BIMcloud Manager can locate the newly installed Servers automatically.)
The new installations do not have to use the same folder paths for Project data and Library data as the previous BIMcloud installations.
Click the BIMcloud tray icon.
Click the name of the component whose data you wish to restore: BIMcloud Server or BIMcloud Manager.
From its popup menu, choose Restore from Backup.
In the appearing dialog, browse for the Backup file you need.
Server Backups of BIMcloud Server have the extension “bcsb”.
Server Backups of BIMcloud Manager have the extension “bcmb”.
Note: The Backup location was defined by you when you configured the BIMcloud Server or Manager. See Where are the server backup files?Click Restore.
Review the appearing dialog to check the name, creation date, size and version of the chosen Backup file.
Also restore server settings (Recommended): By default, this option is checked and recommended. It means that you will restore not only the Teamwork projects and libraries, but also the port settings, keys, and configuration information of the originally installed BIMcloud Server/Manager.
Activating this checkbox is especially important if you are restoring only one Server component: this way, the other components will automatically locate the restored component.
Click Restore. The Server data are restored, and the Server will start up.
If you restored a BIMcloud Server, the appearing dialog reminds you to check that the new BIMcloud Server’s primary address is accessible by the BIMcloud Manager.
Note: If the reinstalled BIMcloud Server has a different primary address than before (i.e. it’s on a different computer), you must add this address information manually:Go to BIMcloud Manager
Go to the Servers page
Select the BIMcloud Server you reinstalled
On the Settings panel, go to Connection and enter the primary address of the reinstalled BIMcloud Server.
Note: Even if you have entered the new primary address, it is a good idea to add the previous primary address as an alternative (provided it is not in use by another computer). This way, you will not have to re-link external content and libraries manually.
After restoring the server backup, you can start working again.
New backups created after the Restore process
As soon as a new backup is created, the old (pre-restore) backups will be deleted, if the Backup path remains the same as before.