Place a Linear Dimension

A linear dimension measures the linear distance along an element, either straight or curved.

1.Activate the Linear Dimension tool.

2.Move your cursor to the element you wish to dimension. Highlighted feedback lets you know which element will be dimensioned.

If your cursor is hovering over multiple elements, the Info Tag prompts you to click Tab to cycle the highlight through the elements.

LinearFind1.png     LinearFind2.png

3.Click along the element you want to dimension to place temporary reference points where dimension units should begin and end. As you proceed, the element to which the reference point belongs is highlighted.

4.If needed, revoke any reference point by clicking it again.


5.Double-click after placing the final reference point.

6.Click the black hammer cursor where you want the dimension chain to appear.

LinearInput2.png     LinearInput3.png

See Linear Dimension Geometry Methods, below.

For more information, including placement options for dimension text, see Linear Dimension Tool Settings.