Move Nodes

With the Move node icon of the pet palette, you can reposition the node of a polygon type element.


The connected edges will follow.

Also, the Move Node command is used to stretch objects, doors and windows.

See Stretching Objects.

You can eliminate a node by merging it into one of its neighbors.

 MergeNode1.PNG                    MergeNode2.PNG

If you merge a node to a remote node (that is, not a neighboring one), the smaller part of the polygon will be deleted.

MergeRemote1.PNG                    MergeRemote2.PNG

If repositioning a node eliminates one of the connecting edges, the other node of that edge will also be deleted, together with the corresponding part of its own other connecting edge.

 NodeEliminateEdge1.PNG                    NodeEliminateEdge2.PNG

If you reposition a node so that the polygon edges intersect each other (but no connecting edge is eliminated), the polygon will be split.

 NodeSplit1.PNG                    NodeSplit2.PNG

When repositioning a bent edge’s endpoint, the arc segment will be stretched in a way that its central angle (the arc-chord ratio) remains the same.


With the Fillet function (use the Fillet/Chamfer pet palette icon), you can replace a polygon node by a tangential arc whose radius can be set in the Fillet/Chamfer Radius dialog box.


For a detailed description, see Create a Fillet or Chamfer.