Displaying Stairs on the Floor Plan

On the Floor Plan, Stairs are displayed as 2D symbols using standard architectural conventions.

Stairs can be visible across multiple stories: Use the Show On Stories control in the Floor Plan and Section panel to set the stories on which stories the Stair should be displayed.


Use the Parameters and 2D Symbol, Arrowhead, Flight, Tread and Railing Types panels of Stair Settings to define the appearance of each Stair object symbol on the Floor Plan.

See Stair Tool Settings.

Note the following special parameters:


2D Detail Level


If you choose Scale Sensitive, then the amount of detail shown in the 2D symbol is scale-dependent. Here, the same scale-sensitive stair is shown at 1:50 and at 1:200 scales:



If you choose Custom, then the Stair symbol remains the same regardless of window scale. In this case, you have additional symbol choices in 2D Symbol Type.

2D Symbol Type

Use this control to choose a Symbol Type for the stair on the Floor Plan. Previews of each Symbol Type are shown in the 2D Symbol, Arrowhead, Flight, Tread and Railing Types panel just below the Parameters panel. The selection of available symbols here can vary depending on whether you have chosen “Scale Sensitive” or “Custom” in the 2D Detail Level control.

Use the parameters under 2D Symbol Type to fine-tune symbol display. Note the following:

Each Stair symbol has a Breakline which acts as a symbol cutting plane. Set the vertical position of the Breakline using the “Breakline Position Height” control.

Visible and Invisible structures refer to the parts of the symbol that fall below and above the Breakline, respectively: you can set separate line types and pens for each type of structure.

Show or Hide the Walking Line as needed. The Walking Line ends with an Arrowhead: choose an Arrowhead style with the help of previews shown in the 2D Symbol, Arrowhead, Flight, Tread and Railing Types panel just below the Parameters panel. Similarly, you have several choices for the Walking Line’s Start Point.

Optional text items for the Stair symbol include Numbering of treads, Rise and Run text, and UP and DOWN signs.

Story Sensitive Display

The Story Sensitive control (On or Off) is relevant if you are showing the Stair on stories above its Home Story (use the Show On Stories control in the Floor Plan and Section panel to set the stories on which stories the Stair should be displayed).

If you turn Story Sensitive On, then a new set of parameters called 2D Above Home Story appears in the Parameter list:


Use these controls if you want the Stair to appear differently on stories above the Home Story. “Lower” and “upper” part refer to the parts of the symbol above and below the Breakline.

The options you set here apply only to the Stair symbol shown on stories above the Home Story.