
Hotspots are simple points indicated by a small cross. Their main role is to help position elements in 2D views. Hotspots do not appear on printed and plotted outputs and can be deleted when they are not needed anymore.

For more information, see Hotspot Tool Settings.

Note: The Guide Lines function can also locate intersection points and other useful snap points and directions.

See Guide Lines.

Placing Hotspots

When you have made your Pen Color and Layer choice in the Hotspot Settings dialog box, you are ready to place Hotspots. Just click at the desired location. In some situations, you may need to continue construction starting exactly on a given point of an element at a location where it has no hotspot or special point. The solution is to generate hotspots that will allow you to snap to this point.

Place Hotspot at Intersection of Two Elements

1.Activate the Hotspot Tool.

2.Select an existing Wall, Slab, Roof, Fill edge or line.

3.Ctrl-click (Cmd-click) the edge of any other existing element.

4.A hotspot will be generated at the intersection of the selected edge and the clicked edge.

Project Perpendicular Hotspot onto Selected Element

1.Activate the Hotspot Tool.

2.Select an existing Wall, Slab, Roof, Fill edge or line.

3.Ctrl-click (Cmd-click) any element hotspot or any empty space.

4.A hotspot will be generated on the selected element at the perpendicular projection of the clicked location.

Place Hotspot at Remote Tangential Point

1.Activate the Hotspot Tool.

2.Select the arc(s) and Ctrl-click (Cmd-click) with the checkmark cursor on the node of any other element.

3.A tangential hotspot will be generated on the selected arcs or curved edges, or their extensions.

Place Hotspots Parallel to Existing Element

1.Activate the Hotspot Tool.

2.Select an existing Hotspot.

3.Ctrl-click (Cmd-click) with the Mercedes cursor on any Wall, line or element edge.

4.A second hotspot will be generated, so that the line joining the two hotspots is parallel to the clicked element.