Placing Dimensions

The general process for dimensioning is as follows:

1.Select the appropriate dimensioning tool; adjust its settings in Dimension Settings, and choose construction and geometry methods.

2.As applicable, click along the element you want to dimension; these clicks create temporary reference points that indicate exactly where dimension units should begin and end. As you click on the element to be dimensioned, the element will be highlighted, as an aid to help you identify which element you are working on.

Note: This highlight functions if the “Highlight contours of related element(s)” checkbox is active in Options > Work Environment > Selection and Element Information.

3.Double-click after placing the final reference point.

4.Click the black hammer cursor where you want the dimension chain to appear.

For some dimension types, a rubber band line follows your cursor to help you choose the correct dimension direction.

Linear Dimensions offer additional options (involving additional clicks) for determining the dimension line location.

See Linear Dimension Line Placement Options.

You can revoke any marked Reference Point by clicking it again.