The Layout Settings dialog box contains information about the selected Layout.
To access this dialog box, select a Layout - either by opening it in the Layout window, or by selecting it from the Navigator/Organizer. Then do one of the following:
•Choose Document > Layout Book > Layout Settings
•Use the Layout’s context menu in the Navigator
•Click the “Settings” icon at the middle of the Navigator
•Click “Settings” at the bottom of the Navigator
Layout Identification and Format Panel
For more information, see Layout and Drawing IDs.
•Do not include this Layout in ID sequence: Check to exclude the current layout from the automated layout ID assignment.
•Use Automatic Book and Subset ID assignment: Check to apply the automated layout book and subset ID assignment to the current Layout, as defined in Book Settings.
For more information, see Book Settings Dialog Box.
•Custom ID: Check to apply a unique ID to the current layout.
•Layout Name: Enter a Name for the Layout.
•Master Layout: Select a Master Layout from the pop-up menu.
For more information, see Master Layouts.
•Size: This field provides information on the horizontal and vertical size of the current layout (as defined in its Master Layout).
Drawing IDs on this Layout Panel
Settings in this panel will determine the IDs of all Drawings placed on this Layout, provided that the Drawing ID is set to “By Layout” in the Identification panel of its Drawing Settings dialog box.
For more information, see Drawing Identification Panel.
•Continue Drawing ID sequence from previous Layout: Check this box to assign an ID by continuing the ID sequence from the previous layout. (This control is grayed if the selected Layout is the first one in the Layout Book.)
•Drawing ID Prefix: Enter item prefix characters for the drawing ID.
•Drawing ID Style: Choose any of the listed ID styles from this pop-up field.
•Start at: Enter either a number or a letter (depending on the selected ID style) with which to begin the ID sequence.
•Preview: This area shows a preview of the ID style you have selected.
The panel lists each Revision of this Layout, plus the Changes associated with each Revision and Issue.
Click Add Change to add an existing Change to this Layout.
See also Add an Existing Change to a Layout.
Click New Change to create a new Change in the project and add it to this Layout’s current Revision.
See also Create New Change on a Layout Revision.
Categories and Properties Panel (Layout Settings)
Use these fields to define basic data values for the current Layout.
To customize these fields or add new ones, use the Layout Scheme Panel of Book Settings.
•Status Code
•Modified by
•Checked by
•Approved by
This can be useful if you need to differentiate these data for specific Layouts.
•For example, the project may already be in the construction phase, yet one Layout may still have a Preliminary status, while another Layout has the status of Approved by Contractor.
•Similarly, different parts of the documentation (e.g. Details vs. Floor Plans) may be the responsibility of different people, so you can use the Modified by/Checked by/Approved by fields to specify these names for any given Layout.
These data can then be displayed in the following parts of the ARCHICAD interface:
•Autotexts placed on Layouts
•Names of Publisher Items
•Sheet Indexes
•Issue History Index
•Revision History object