Light Adjustments (CineRender)

Use three sliders to set the intensity of three different types of light used in the rendering: Sunlight; Lamps; and Illuminating surfaces.

Each slider can override a particular light source intensity that is set elsewhere in the project.

Sunlight. Can override the Sun’s intensity setting. The midpoint of the slider corresponds to 100 percent: this means that the rendering will use the sun intensity exactly corresponding to the Sun object’s intensity setting. Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the sun intensity relative to this setting.

Note: If you are using a Physical Sky as your Environment, then this Sun intensity slider affects the sun that is part of that Physical Sky setting. If you are using an HDRI image as your Environment, then this Sun intensity slider affects the ARCHICAD Sun settings.

See CineRender Basic Settings: Environment Panel.

Lamps: Can override the Main Intensity settings (set in Lamp Settings) for all individual lamps placed in the project. The midpoint of the slider corresponds to 100 percent: this means that the rendering will use the lamp intensity exactly corresponding to the intensity set for lamp objects placed in the model.

See Light Color and Intensity for Lamp Tool Settings.

Note: These Rendering settings consider the settings that affect the 3D window, but the reverse is not true: the 3D Window does not consider what you adjust in Rendering settings. So a lamp that is turned off in the 3D window cannot be turned on in Rendering Settings.

Illuminating Surfaces: This setting overrides the surface-level Luminance channel.

Note: All surfaces also have an Illumination channel, which affects Global Illumination. But the Illuminating Surfaces control in Photorendering Settings affects the Luminance only.