Open the online Reference Guide from ARCHICAD’s Help menu.
Click here to access in PDF format.
Do one of the following:
•Press F1 (Windows) or Cmd+? (Mac)
Note: Shortcut may vary depending on your language version.
•Right-click on any user interface element and choose the ‘What’s this’ command
The Help will open to a topic relevant to the ARCHICAD interface item you have clicked. (In some cases, the Help will open to its starting page.)
Knowledgebase articles, tutorials and videos are available at GRAPHISOFT’s online Help Center.
Additional Resources
See additional PDF resources in the ARCHICAD Help menu:
This manual is a complete reference to the GRAPHISOFT’s proprietary scripting language, GDL (Geometric Description Language).
ARCHICAD’s Calculate function interacts with the project database to calculate the number of elements in a project, their spatial disposition and the quantity of element components.
Use this add-on to export the ARCHICAD 23 model into Artlantis.
•BIMx Desktop Viewer User Guide
Use GRAPHISOFT BIMx Desktop Viewer to explore 3D building models created with ARCHICAD. BIMx Desktop Viewer is available for free download.