General Listing Parameters


Short Description

Long Description

2D Cross Section Preview



2D Plan Preview



3D Axonometry



3D Back View

Shaded 3D Symbol of the GDL element (Object, Lamp, Skylight, CW Panel, CW Frame).

3D Symbol of the Frame.

Back = inside of the Curtain Wall

3D Front View

Shaded 3D Symbol of the GDL element (Object, Lamp, Skylight, CW Panel, CW Frame).

3D Symbol of the Frame (from the front, that is, the outside of the Curtain Wall).

Front = outside of the Curtain Wall

3D Holes Perimeter

Total Perimeter of all the holes in the Shell or Roof. Does not take SEO's into account.

Relevant for Roof or Shell.

3D Left Side View

Shaded 3D Symbol of the Object/Lamp or CW Junction/Accessory.

Cross-section of the Accessory viewed from its left side.

3D Length

Maximum 3D length of construction element

Available for

- Wall

- Beam/Beam Segment

- Column/Column Segment

- Railing/Railing Segment

- Stair Structure

3D Perimeter

Total perimeter of the 3D shape of the element, including the perimeter of any holes.

Relevant for Roof, Shell, CW Panel

3D Right Side View

Shaded 3D Symbol of the Object/Lamp or CW Junction/Accessory.

Cross-section of the Accessory viewed from its right side

Absolute Top Link Story

Name of the element's top-linked story.

Relevant for Wall/Column/Zone/Stair

For example: 1. Story


The Globalid IFC attribute automatically assigned by ARCHICAD to each element



For most elements: area includes the full extent of the element surface geometry (net of any holes) viewed from the top, as projected down to the floor plan.

For a Column (or column segment): Area of the column's bottom polygon only, as projected to the floor plan.

For a Wall: Area of the Wall's bottom polygon only, as projected to the floor plan.

Building Material

Name of the element's Building Material

For non-composite, non-complex profile elements

Building Material / Composite / Profile / Fill

Name of the element's Building Material, or its composite structure, or its profile, or its fill


Building Materials (All)

Lists all of the element's Building Materials in a single Schedule cell


Colliding Zones

The name of the Zone with which the element collides in 3D.

Elements must intersect the Zone to be considered as "Colliding". Bordering the Zone is not considered collision.

For Columns: If its Relation to Zones option is set to "Zone Boundary" or "No Effect on Zones", it is not considered collision, even if it is located in the Zone.

Complex Profile

For a complex profile element: Name of the profile


Composite Struc­ture

For a composite element: Name of the composite attribute


Conditional Vol­ume

Volume of Construction element (Beam, Roof, Shell, Slab, or Wall).


This volume may be conditioned on a defined Calculation Rule.

Condition: subtracts the volume of any openings that exceed a given size, as defined in Options > Project Preferences > Calculation Units & Rules ("Reduce element volume by…").

Reduced by trims and SEO's.

Cover Fill

Name of the Cover Fill assigned to the element (if any).

Cover Fills are available for Zone, Mesh, Slab, Roof, Column, Beam, Morph, Opening.

Cross Section Area at Bottom/Start

Area of the element's bottom cross section.

Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments

For Columns: Includes the area of the Veneer, if any.

Cross Section Area at Top/End

Area of the element's top cross section.

Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments

For Columns: Includes the area of the Veneer, if any.

Cross Section Height at Bottom/Start (cut)

Height of the element's bottom cross section.

Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Height at Bottom/Start (perpendicu­lar)


Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Height at Top/End (cut)

Height of the element's top cross section.

Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Height at Top/End (perpendicular)


Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Width at Bottom/Start (cut)

Width of the element's bottom/top cross section.

Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Width at Bottom/Start (perpendicu­lar)


Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Width at Top/End (cut)

Width of the element's top cross section.

Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Cross Section Width at Top/End (perpendicular)


Relevant for Beams and Columns and their segments.

Element ID

Lists Element ID.

For each element: editable ID field is located on the Classification and Properties panel of construction tools, Fill and Zone tools.

Element Type

Type of AC element


Elevation to 1st/2nd Reference Level

Element's elevation relative to the project's 1st and/or 2nd Elevation Level.

Elevation levels are defined at Options > Project Preferences > Reference Levels.

Element's elevation value (measured from its reference line/point) is displayed in its Info box or Settings.

Elevation to Linked/Home Story

Element's elevation relative to its linked story (Door/Window) or Home Story (other elements).

Relevant for Doors/Windows. Value is the door/window elevation from its linked (anchor) story to its sill height.

Elevation to Project Zero

Element's absolute elevation, measured from zero.

Project Zero is always at zero for the purposes of measuring actual element elevation. To set other reference levels, use Options > Project Preferences > Reference Levels.

Element's elevation value (measured from its reference line/point) is displayed in its Info box or Settings.

Elevation to Sea Level

Element's elevation relative to Sea Level (Altitude of the Project Location).

Define Sea Level value (Altitude) at Options > Project Preferences > Project Location.

Element's elevation value (measured from its reference line/point) is displayed in its Info box or Settings.

External IFC ID

The Globalid IFC attribute assigned to each element upon IFC import (either Merge or Hotlink IFC)


Fill Type

Name of the Fill Type attribute assigned to the element


Floor Plan Holes Perimeter

Total Perimeter of all the holes in the element.

Relevant for Slab, Mesh, Zone

Floor Plan Perime­ter

Perimeter of the element, including hole perimeters. Measured according to the element's 2D polygon

Relevant for Wall, Slab, Mesh, Morph

For Wall: Perimeter can vary depending on its Floor Plan Projection settings (e.g. Cut Only vs. Projected with Overhead)

Wall intersections have no effect on the perimeter value.

From Zone

Name of the Zone from which the element opens.

Relevant for Door, Window, Skylight, CW Panel

CW Panel: Zone (if any) from which the Panel faces outward. (The Zone that abuts the panel's inside surface.)

From Zone Number

Number of the Zone from which the element opens.

Relevant for Door, Window, Skylight, CW Panel

CW Panel: Number of the Zone (if any) from which the Panel faces outward. (The Zone that abuts the panel's inside surface.)

GDL Preview Pic­ture

Preview picture, of GDL Object type elements only.


Gross Volume

Volume of the element

Wall: Includes Volume of Openings, doors and windows.

Column: Includes Volume of both Core and Veneer.

Roof/Shell/Slab: Includes the volume of any holes. Reduced by trims.

See also the Slab parameter: "Gross Volume of the Slab, Minus the Holes"



D-W: Height of the window/door, as defined in the "Height" field of the opening's Settings dialog box or Info Box.

Height of the panel, not including the panel's extrusion into the surrounding frames.

Curtain Wall: defined in Curtain Wall System Settings or the Info Box

Curtain Wall Panel: Height of the panel, not including the panel's extrusion into the surrounding frames.

Zone: Height of the Zone body measured from the Zone's bottom elevation. Defined in the Name and Positioning Panel of Zone Settings.

Skylight: Height parameter in the Preview and Positioning Panel (or the Skylight Settings Panel)

Home Offset

Offset of element from its Home Story.

For Door/Window: The sill height, measured from the host Wall's home story.


Home Story Name

Name of element's Home Story

As defined in Element settings.

Openings: Home Story depends on the opening's vertical position in the host element.

Skylight: Home Story is the same as the host Roof/Shell.

Home Story Num­ber

Number of element's Home Story

As defined in Element settings.

Door/Window: Home Story depends on the opening's vertical position in the host element.

Skylight: Home Story is the same as the host Roof/Shell.

Hotlink and Ele­ment ID

If element is part of a Hotlink: Lists the Hotlink's Master ID as well as the Element's ID


Hotlink Master ID

If element is part of a Hotlink: Lists the Hotlink's Master ID only


ID of Connected Openings

IDs of opening(s) connected to this element.


IFC Assignment

Name of IFC Assignment (if any) to which element belongs.

IFC Assignment takes place in IFC Project Manager. Assignments include e.g. IFC Group, IFC Zone, IFC System.

IFC Type

Name of element's IFC Type

Classification of ARCHICAD elements for IFC is displayed in Element Settings (Classification and Properties panel), and in IFC Project Manager. IFC Type depends on "Type Mapping for Export" setting of the current Preview Translator (IFC Translators dialog box)

IFC Type Product

Lists the element's IFC Type Product Type and IFC Type Product Name.

IFC Type Product is defined in the "Type Mapping for Export" setting of the current Preview Translator (IFC Translators dialog box), and is displayed in IFC Project Manager.

Insulation Skin Thickness

Thickness of Wall, Roof, or Shell skins whose structure is defined as "Insulation"

Insulation Skin (Wall, Roof, Shell) is defined at Options > Project Preferences > Calculation Units & Rules.

Issue Date (of last Change)



Issue ID (of last Change)



Issue Name (of last Change)




Layer of element.



Length of element.


Library Part Name

Name, of GDL Object type elements only.


Linked Changes

If element or sub-element is linked to a Change: lists the number of the linked Change(s)



Element's locked/unlocked status

This is a toggle (yes/no) value expressed as a checkbox in the Schedule field.

Net Volume

Net volume of the element. Reduced by volume of holes and Solid Element Operations .

Column: (including the volume of the core and of the veneer, if any).

Roof-Shell-Slab-Mesh: is reduced by the surface of any holes. Reduced by trims and SEO's.

Wall/Beam/Morph: reduced by holes and SEO's

Door-Window: Volume of the opening cut by the Door/Window. (Volume calculation based on hole that results from cutting the GDL openings out of the Wall.)

Number of Open­ings

Number of Opening elements.

Opening elements only (not Doors, Windows, or Skylights).

Number of Seg­ments



Parent ID

Element ID of the listed element's parent element

Relevant for sub-elements (e.g. Tread of Stair, or Panel of Curtain Wall, or Segment of a Beam/Column, or Door/Window/Skylight/Opening)


Value of element's "Position" classification

Possible values: Interior, Exterior, Undefined

Position is set in Classification and Properties panel of Element Settings. Used for IFC data exchange.

Property Object Name

Name of property object (if any) linked to this element.

Property Objects can be linked to elements using the Listing panel of Element Settings. (This panel is hidden by default. Consult the Calculation Guide for details.)


For a particular listed element, displays the number of scheduled elements.


Related Zone Name

Name of the element's related Zone, if any.

In general: the Zone which the element borders or intersects in 2D.

Related Zone definitions vary by element. See Description.

An element can have only one Related Zone. (If multiple Zones apply, the first created Zone is listed.)

(To identify the Zone with which an element intersects in 3D, use the "Colliding Zones" parameter.)

Wall: The Zone which it borders, or the Zone which the Wall's 2D polygon intersects

Door/Window: Related Zone of the host Wall.

Curtain Wall: The Zone which it (or at least one of its segments) borders

Curtain Wall Frame/Panel: The Zone which its CW segment borders, and which the Frame/Panel touches.

Curtain Wall Junction: All of the connecting subelements (at the Junction's gridpoint) border the Zone; or two of the connecting Frames (at the Junction's gridpoint) border the Zone

Curtain Wall Accessory: The Zone bordered by the Accessory's parent Frame.

Shell/Roof: The Zone to which it connects via SEO, or by which it is cropped

Object, Light, Morph, Stair, Railing: The Zone that has the same Home Story as the element. For an Object: the centerpoint of its 3D bounding box is within the Zone polygon.

Beam: The Zone which the Beam's Reference line intersects in 2D. The Beam must be visible on this related Zone's home story.

Skylight: The Zone to which its parent Roof or Shell connects via SEO, or by which it is cropped.

Column: The Zone polygon intersected by any corner of the Column. The Column must be visible on this related Zone's home story.

Tread, Riser, Stair Structure: The related Zone of its parent Stair

Railing subelements: The related Zone of its parent Railing

Related Zone Num­ber

Number of the element's related Zone, if any. See explanation for Related Zone Name, above.


Relative Top Link Story

Relative position of element's top-linked Story.

Relevant for Wall/Column/Zone/Stair

For example: Home + 1

Renovation Status

Existing, To Be Demolished, or New

As set in element's Classification and Properties panel, or Renovation palette

Show On Renova­tion Filter

Renovation Filter on which this element is shown

As set in element's Classification and Properties panel, or Renovation palette

Slant Angle

Angle of slanted or inclined element.

For Wall: Same as Wall Outside Slant Angle. (See also Wall-specific Inside Slant Angle parameter).

Beam: Angle of an inclined Beam

CW Frame or Panel: Slant angle measured to the horizontal plane.

Structural Function

Load-bearing, or Non-load -bearing, or undefined

As set in element's Classification and Properties panel

Structure Type

Basic, Composite, or Complex Profile


Surface (All)

List of all surfaces used in the element, including any overrides


Surface Area

Generally: the sum of all surfaces of an element.

Beam: The sum of all Beam surfaces (top, bottom, ends)

Column: Surface area of the Column's cross-section

Shell: Net surface area of the Reference Side


Element Thickness, as defined in Element Settings.


To Zone

Name of the Zone toward which the element opens.

Relevant for Door, Window, Skylight, CW Panel

CW Panel: Name of the Zone (if any) that abuts the panel's outside surface.

To Zone Number

Number of the Zone toward which the element opens.

Relevant for Door, Window, Skylight, CW Panel

CW Panel: Name of the Zone (if any) that abuts the Panel's outside surface.

Top Link Story

Element's top-linked Story, expressed as both relative and absolute.

Relevant for Wall/Column/Zone/Stair

For example: Home + 1 (2. Story)

Top Offset

Offset from element's Toplink Story

Applicable to elements with a top link: Wall, Column, Zone, Stair

Top/Bottom Eleva­tion to Reference Level

Elevation of the element's topmost (or bottom) point in 3D space (regardless of its reference line or anchor point).

Use the parameter corresponding to the desired reference level for the measured elevation: First/Second Reference Level, Home Story, Project Zero or Sea Level.

Define levels at Options > Project Preferences > Reference Levels.

Unique ID

Automatically generated ID that is conserved throughout the life of the project

Also known as the element's ARCHICAD "Global unique identifier" (GUID).


Element Width parameter, as defined by its geometry or in Element Settings.

Object: Width of the Object as defined in the "Dimension 1" field of the Preview and Positioning Panel of Object Settings.

Column: Width of the column: Core Dimension 1 value, plus the width of any veneer.