Opening Property Settings (Energy Evaluation)

The Openings tab page of the Model Review dialog box lists data for all of the Openings on the building shell and on internal thermal block boundaries.

To change the physical properties of the selected Openings List item, either edit the values manually, or use the predefined value sets from the Openings Catalog.

Openings Catalog

To access the Openings catalog, select an item on the Openings tab page and right-click to bring up the context menu:


The Openings Catalog is an extensive database of building physics information relevant for the energy calculations. Transparent and opaque components of Openings are listed separately:


Transparent items are listed with their U-values, Total Solar Transmissions and Direct Solar Transmissions;

Opaque items are listed with their U-values, Psi-values (the linear thermal transmittance coefficient in W/m,K that are used to factor in the effect of the thermal bridges that occur at the frame-to-wall joint around Openings) and linear Infiltration properties.

Shading Devices

Click the arrow on the Shading Device item to apply a shading device, with its predefined physical properties, to the selected entry.

There are two types of Shading Devices on the list:

Devices whose shading effect is additional to the effect of the model-based Solar Analysis (None, Sunscreen 10%, Sunscreen 40%, Sunscreen 60%, Sunscreen 80%, External Blind, External Louver)

Devices that disable the effect of model-based Solar Analysis (Canopy, Canopy And Side-Fins, Solar Analysis Off). These settings are mostly used for analytic (scientific) software functionality tests. Users are advised to use Shading Devices from the previous group on architectural projects.