Add-Ons and Goodies

Add-Ons are small applications that extend ARCHICAD’s core functionality. Many add-ons are integrated as ARCHICAD menu commands.

Goodies are other Add-Ons that are not integrated into ARCHICAD’s default interface.

See Goodies, below.

Managing Add-Ons

Open the Add-On Manager using Options > Add-On Manager command.


Use the Add-On Manager to:

Load Add-Ons from any location. They will be loaded after the next startup of ARCHICAD

Permanently remove Add-Ons while ARCHICAD is running

Control which Add-Ons should load automatically when ARCHICAD is started

Show information about the loaded Add-Ons

See Add-On Manager for more details.

Menu Location of Add-On Functions

The menu/toolbar location of add-ons is defined in the settings dialogs of Options > Work Environment > Menus/Toolbars.

In the Customize Menus (Toolbars) page, add an “Add-On Anchor Point” item to any menu (e.g. File menu) or toolbar. The respective Add-Ons will be displayed at this customized menu/toolbar position.

If the Add-On Anchor Point is not part of your menu structure, then the Add-Ons will not be displayed in the menu.



“Goodies” are another source of ARCHICAD Add-Ons. They are not integrated into ARCHICAD’s default interface. To access them, do the following:

1.Go to the ARCHICAD Help menu.

2.Choose Online Resources > ARCHICAD Downloads.

3.From the Downloads page, scroll down to Add-Ons, and click “Add-Ons and Goodies.”

4.Select your Language version to access available Goodies.

5.Click on the Goodies installer to install all Goodies from a single file.