Editing Beams

Stretch Length/Modify Angle

Use the Pet Palette commands at the Beam’s Reference Axis endpoint.

Stretch length

For a slanted Beam:

Stretch length with fixed Pitch

Modify angle

BeamStretchLength.png   BeamModifyAngle.png

Stretch Beam Cross-Section

For a non-curved, non-segmented Beam:

In the Floor Plan or 3D window, use the Pet Palette commands to stretch the Beam’s cross-section dimensions.

Note: Beams can also be stretched in Section view, if the Beam reference line is perpendicular to the Section line.

Alternatively, use Edit > Reshape > Stretch.


Edit Slanted Beam on Floor Plan

1.Select the slanted Beam on the Floor Plan.

2.From the pet palette of the reference line, click the endpoint height command.

3.In the Beam End Height dialog, enter the new height of the selected Beam endpoint.


Related Topics

Stretching Curves

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