Components and Descriptors

Display the Components or Descriptors of the current object in the GDL Object Editor.

Components and Descriptors define the object’s composition for use in listing and calculation features.


Click New to create a component or descriptor.

DB Set: Select Database from this pop-up menu.

Key: Select a Key.

Note: Available if your loaded library contains Key description.

Code: Define a Code for new Component/Descriptor or modify the Code of a selected one.

Quantity: Define or modify the Quantity of the selected Component

Unit: Select predefined Unit for the selected Component.

Note: Available if your loaded library contains Unit description.

Proportional with: Select a predefined expression, or select Custom, then enter any GDL expression in the edit box above.

For details about Component Editing, see the Archicad Calculation Guide.

Link to Database Item: Link a Component or Descriptor to an external database residing in the loaded Library. While a Component or Descriptor is linked to the selected database, it cannot be edited.

Change Link: Re-link to another database

Text: Open the Descriptor Full Text dialog box displaying the whole Descriptor text. The first line will be the Short Text.

For details about Descriptor Editing, see the Archicad Calculation Guide.