Network Installation for BIM Managers
The standard installer for Archicad, Archicad Updates, and Graphisoft Add-ons can be deployed in unattended mode.
You can use unattended installation with either the default installation options or custom options where applicable - such as a different installation path, or a customized AC Work Environment.
This article describes how to deploy unattended installation with either default or custom options.
Note: Administrator permission is required to run the executable file.
Unattended Installation - Default Options
In the command line, add the executable file followed by the parameter --mode unattended
For example:
Archicad-27-INT-3000-1.0.exe --mode unattended
Mac (ARM processor)
Archicad\ 27\ Apple\ Silicon/Archicad\ Apple\ Silicon\ --mode unattended
Mac (Intel processor)
Archicad\ 27/Archicad\ --mode unattended
This will launch the installation without user interface and without any required user input.
If no further parameters are set, the installation will run with default settings.
To run the installation using custom options, please keep reading.
Unattended Installation - Custom Options
There are two ways to set up custom settings for the unattended installation:
•Add command line parameters, in any order
•Add an option file (containing a list of command line parameters). Use an option file if you are using multiple parameters whose character count might exceed the command line limit.
Topics in this section:
Command Line Parameters (Custom Install)
Installer Log Files and Error Codes
Customized Company Defaults for Unattended Installation (Archicad Only)