Import/Export Keynotes

Import or export your Keynote database or selected parts of it, using either XML, or XLSX (Excel) format.

Use the Import and Export buttons on the Keynotes palette:



1.Click the Export button from the Keynotes palette.

2.Choose to export the entire database or just the currently selected folders.


3.Choose your preferred format:


Tips for editing Keynote database

The Keynote database looks like this:


Each <Folder> and <Keynote> row consists of columns for Key, Title, Description, Reference, and Path

The Path can extend over any number of columns, depending on how deep the folder hierarchy is

When you enter new rows, make sure you use the exactly the same format for the items in angle brackets (<Folder> and <Keynote>), because they identify the data type

Any particular Key or folder must be spelled exactly the same in all the columns where it appears

A folder row must precede the rows of the Keynotes that the folder contains


You can import XML and XLSX (Excel) file formats.

At import, choose to either merge the imported elements to the existing database, or completely replace the existing database with the imported one.

If you merge, you can also decide how to handle any data conflicts that might occur: skip/overwrite/append

Whenever there’s a problem with the file or the import/export procedure, you will get notified.