Work with older versions of Archicad and DDScad

Available on BIMcloud SaaS with cloud license

By default, BIMcloud supports projects from Archicad 27 and up, and DDScad 19 and up. These applications use modern authentication methods.

If you also want to work with older-version projects, switch on “Legacy authentication” at BIMcloud Manager settings.

  1. Open BIMcloud Manager.

  2. Go to the Manager page.

  3. On the Settings tab, under General Settings, click Edit.

  4. Enable the Legacy option, then click Save.

What is “Legacy” and “Modern” authentication?

Authentication technology is used by systems (such as BIMcloud) to check whether a user's credentials match the credentials in a database of authorized users.

In BIMcloud SaaS, the Legacy authentication method enables BIMcloud to connect to older versions of Archicad and DDScad. It is the same, secure method that BIMcloud has used in the past. However, its security level is no longer updated; when connecting to older-version projects, the protocol is not as up-to-date as the “Modern” method.

If your BIMcloud uses Legacy authentication, then users working in an older version app cannot log in if they have activated multi-factor authentication (MFA). For example, users working in Archicad 25 must turn off MFA in their Graphisoft ID profile before logging in to a Teamwork project.




Security level

As-is (security protocols not updated) in case of older-version projects

Up-to-date security protocols


Full: All supported Archicad and DDScad versions

Limited: Archicad 27 and up DDScad 19 and up

Multi-factor authentication

Users who have activated MFA can’t log in to apps which don’t support it

All compatible apps can utilize multi-factor authentication


Keep using older-version projects on BIMcloud (as well as new)

Use the newest project versions on BIMcloud

Switching authentication methods

You can switch at any time.

Switching from Legacy to Modern means you will change to limited compatibility. As a result, applications using legacy authentication methods will be disconnected from BIMcloud.

No BIMcloud data is lost. To reconnect to your older projects, change back to Legacy authentication at any time.