
Not available in Archicad Start Edition 2023

Use the Renovation feature set to create views that provide visual feedback on the status of each element at a particular stage of a renovation project.

To achieve this, each element is assigned one of three Renovation Statuses:


To be Demolished;

or New.

Note: By default, all elements have a Renovation Status of “Existing.” New elements that you add to the project are also set to “Existing.”

You can then assign view settings, called Renovation Filters, to display the project at various stages: such as “Demolition Plan” or “New Construction.” Renovation Filters show/hide elements and/or provide graphical highlighting (Graphic Override) depending on their status, to convey information on their renovation status.

Archicad comes with predefined Override Rules for each of the three Renovation Statuses. If you have different style preferences, use the Graphic Override Rules dialog box to redefine them.

Since the Renovation Filter is saved with the view, it also affects the appearance of the Drawings in your documentation.

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Related Topics:

Assign Renovation Status to Elements

Renovation Filters

Graphic Overrides By Renovation Status

Best Practices for Creating Renovation Views

Workflows for Tricky Renovation Situations

Reset Renovation Status