Change Tracking in Teamwork

Not available in Archicad Start Edition 2023

Note: BIMcloud users only. Not available with BIMcloud Basic.

Use this optional feature in Teamwork to track project changes made by other users, and to receive notifications about such changes.

Change Tracking applies only to elements or data which already exist in the Teamwork project and have been sent to the server. (A newly created element or data type, which has not yet been sent to the server, cannot be tracked.)

To use Change Tracking, create any number of subscriptions. Subscription set-up is flexible, to ensure you are notified about changes that you need to know about.

Notifications appear on screen and in the Teamwork Palette in the dedicated “Tracked Changes” panel and palette. These are changes that have been sent to the server, but not yet received by you. Once you receive the changes, the Tracked Changes list will be deleted.

Define subscriptions for several types of changes:

Elements by criteria or by selection, optionally filtered by parameter (track only the parameters that are relevant for you)

Specific project data (such as attributes)

Further filter any subscription by user or Team

“High-Trust” Collaboration with Teamwork Users

The Change Tracking workflow is not tied to permissions. It is thus a “high trust” workflow that enables Teamwork users to learn about relevant project changes sent by others to the BIMcloud.

For example: the architect, structural engineer, and mechanical engineer alike can potentially modify the same composite Wall. Such a modification constitutes significant information for all three professionals. Change Tracking allows them to track such changes (once they are sent to the BIMcloud) in a timely manner, and to make corrections or comments (via Issues or Messages) as needed.

Modified Element Geometry: What Counts as a Change?

Core Data

A change in element geometry is tracked only if it changes the element’s “core data”. These are geometric values that are defined and visible in the element’s Settings dialog box. For example: Wall height.

Derived Data

In contrast, an element’s “derived data” are not tracked as a change in element geometry.

For example, a top linked Wall’s height is derived from the current Story height. A change in Story height will show up in your Tracked Changes list (if your subscription includes Story Settings), but the resulting change in Wall height will not.

Topics in this Section:

Create New Subscription

Filter Element Changes by Parameter Type

Filter Change Notifications by Teams and Users

View and Manage Tracked Changes

Manage Subscriptions