Reservation in Interactive Schedules (Teamwork)

Not available in Archicad Start Edition 2023

Reserve Schemes for Interactive Schedules

Reserve Elements from IS List Window

Reserve All Elements of a Schedule

Colored Feedback in the Interactive Schedule Window

Reserve Schemes for Interactive Schedules

Do one of the following:

1.Open Scheme Settings.

2.Select the scheme you wish to reserve.

3.If it is free for reservation, click Reserve.



1.Open the Interactive Schedule window.

2.At the bottom left corner, click Reserve.

Reserve Elements from IS List Window

You can reserve any elements directly from the Interactive Schedule window.

1.In the Interactive Schedule window, select the element(s) you wish to reserve.

2.A message at the top of the window provides feedback on the elements’ reservation status.




“Elements referred by the selected item” means that the selected item does not correspond to a single element. In the picture above, the single element selected in the schedule (Masonry Block) actually refers to four different elements, as indicated by the “Selected: 4” information at the top. Thus, one or more of these four walls is reserved by another user; the Teamwork Palette shows the Request command.

3.If the element is free for reservation, click Reserve from the Teamwork Palette. (If it is reserved by another user, you can Request it.)

Even if the selected element is free for reservation, or if you have already reserved it, it may still not be possible for you to edit it. In this case, the Interactive Schedule window will provide information about the problem, as in these cases:

if the element’s layer is locked or hidden. You must unlock or unhide the layer before you can edit the element;

if you do not have the Access Right needed to edit the element

if the element is not up to date in your workspace. You must Receive changes before you can edit it.

Reserve All Elements of a Schedule

1.Open the Interactive Schedule window.

2.From the Teamwork Palette, click Reserve Elements to open this dialog box.

3.The Project Region section contains your Interactive Schedule. In the Criteria section, ensure that “All Types” is chosen as the criterion, then click Reserve Elements.


See also Reserve Elements by Criteria (Teamwork).

Colored Feedback in the Interactive Schedule Window

You can use Colored Workspace options to indicate element ownership. (For example, you can show each schedule item is shown in the color of the user who has reserved it, by switching on “Show Reservation by Users” in the Teamwork Palette.)


If a selected schedule item is free for reservation, you can reserve it from the Teamwork Palette, using “Reserve.”