Add-on Manager

Use the Options > Add-on Manager command to open the Add-on Manager dialog box.

For more information on this topic, see Add-ons and Goodies.

Click the header fields to sort data by that column. Use the splitter bars to edit column width.

Available Add-ons Panel


Here you can load or unload Add-ons by switching the checkboxes on and off, then check OK to close the dialog box and execute the changes.

If you see a checkmark in front of the name of an Add-on without a box, this means that the Add-on must always be loaded with Archicad.

The Type column refers to the type of the Add-on, which can be Tool or Imaging.

Tool type add-ons which are loaded by default appear as menu commands in the Standard Work Environment profile. You can customize their location like any other menu command. Other Tool-type add-ons, after being loaded manually, will be placed in a menu according to the location of that menu’s Add-on Anchor Point.

Imaging type add-ons add rendering or animation options to View menu items.

The icons in the Mode column show whether the Add-on was loaded individually or as part of an Add-on folder set to be available automatically at each startup.

Add-on Info Panel

The Add-on Info panel contains information on the interface location and operation of the Add-on selected in the Available Add-ons panel.

Edit List of Available Add-ons Panel

In the Edit List of Available Add-ons panel, you can add more Add-ons, remove items from the list and redefine the location of the dedicated Add-on folder.


The Use designated Add-ons folder checkbox will activate the folder enabled by default (the Add-ons folder in your Archicad Folder) or another dedicated folder that you can choose with the Change button by browsing your computer.

If you are using such a designated folder, the add-ons made available from this folder cannot be removed from the list of available add-ons. However, they can be unloaded manually (by unchecking its name in the Load column) for the current Archicad session. In this case, the rest of the add-ons which are still loaded from this folder will appear as individual add-ons in the Mode column.

If you load an Add-on that has the same name and ID as a loaded one, it will replace the previous one.

All settings of the Add-on Manager will be preserved when you quit and restart the program, even if you choose New and Reset.

If you open a Project that refers to currently unloaded Add-ons, an alert will appear, listing the missing Add-ons.

Some of the Add-ons cannot be loaded until you restart the program, as they contain references to the project database. If loading such Add-ons with the Add-on Manager, an alert will appear. If current modifications do not concern these Add-ons, you can ignore the alert or choose to save the recent changes and reload the Project with the required loaded Add-ons.