Save ARCHICAD Project

Use File > Save to save your project.

Choosing File > Save as allows you to save the Project under a new name, archive it or save the current window’s contents in a variety of file formats. Some of the available options may depend on the set of currently loaded Add-Ons. Some file formats are 2D-only or 3D-only formats.

See File Types Saved by ARCHICAD.

Export to BIMcloud

Use File > Export to BIMcloud to upload the ARCHICAD Project to the BIMcloud.

Choose any of the supported file types.

To use this function, you must be logged on as a BIMcloud user.


Save from List Window

Basic Element, Component and Zone Lists can be saved as Plain Text, Tabulated Text, HTML tables or PDF. Click either radio button to include the file’s Used Column only or All Columns in the file.

Formatted lists including graphic information can be saved in.rtf (Rich Text Format), ARCHICAD Project format, or PDF.

Save from Schedule Window (Interactive Schedule)

Schedules can be saved in the following formats: Tabbed text, DWF, .xls and PDF.

From a PC, with MS Office, you can also save in .doc format.

Related Topics:

File Types Saved by ARCHICAD

File Compression

Template Files

Backup Files

Archive Projects