Inner Post Settings (Railing Tool)

Use these Settings to add and define any number of Inner Posts in the Pattern Editor.

Inner Posts are located between Segment Nodes (as opposed to Posts, which are located at the Nodes.)

Inner Posts can also be used as a reference point when positioning Panels or Rails.

To add or delete Inner Posts, use the Plus or Minus sign in the Pattern Editor.

See also Add Component in Pattern Editor.


Choose a GDL component as the Inner Post, or choose None from the pop-up (if you do not want to place a physical Inner Post).

To define settings for the GDL component, use the panel below. See Post Component Settings (Posts/Inner Posts/Balusters).

In addition to predefined content, you can save a custom component as a Post.

For details, see Custom Sub-Elements for Stairs and Railings.

Distance from Previous

For the Pattern’s first Inner Post: Enter a value for the Inner Post’s distance from the left edge of the Pattern.

InnerPostOffset2.png    InnerPosts3D_1.png

For each additional Inner Post: the offset is defined as the distance from Inner Post to its left.

InnerPostOffset1.png   InnerPosts3D_2.png

Click the lock icon to fix the Inner Post at the defined position. This is relevant if the Pattern Distribution would enable the pattern to be stretched. Inner Posts that are locked will not move.

See Pattern Distribution and Position.

At least one Inner Post has to be flexible (remain unlocked). Use this option if your pattern contains panels of fixed size.

For the Inner Post that is at the right edge of the white part of the Pattern Editor: this Distance also represents the Pattern Length, as shown here:

InnerPostOffsetRightmost.png   PatternLength3D.png

Inner Post at Right Edge of Pattern Editor = Pattern Length

See also Pattern Length.

Duplicate Inner Posts

Use this control to double the selected Inner Post, with a defined offset between them:

InnerPostDuplicateAfter.png   InnerPostDuplicateAfter3D.png

Railings with Glass Panelings, Supported by Duplicated Inner Posts

Inner Post Top/Bottom Offset


Enter a bottom and top offset value for the Inner Post.

Use the pop-up to define how to calculate the offset:

Segment Top: Set the offset value relative to the Segment height.

Note: Segment height is defined in Segment Settings. See Segment Height and Vertical Offset.

Absolute: Enter the Inner Post’s absolute height. The Inner Post is then offset from the Segment top accordingly.

Rail 1/2...: If you have any Rails in the pattern, you can define the top or bottom offset from the height of a particular Rail.