Load Manager (for Load Cases and Load Groups)


Load Manager lists all of the project's Load Cases, organized into Load Groups.

From Load Manager, you can also import and export Load Cases and Load Groups.


Load Manager, with Selected Load Case

Open Load ManagerStructuralLoadManager_18x1800273.jpg

Do one of the following:

Options > Load Manager 

Structural Engineering toolbar 

Use the Edit Loads button in the Load Combination dialog

Create Load Group or Load Case

1.Click New

2.From the dialog, select Load Case or Load Group.


For a new Load Case:

1.Add to Group: Choose a Load Group for the new Load Case, then click OK

2.The new Load Case is listed on the left side of the dialog.

3.Select the Load Case to access its settings on the right.

For a new Load Group:

1.Add a Group Name, then click OK

2.The new Load Group is listed on the left side of the dialog.

3.Select the Load Group to access its settings on the right.

Click OK in the Load Manager dialog to save your changes.

Import and Export Load Cases and Load Groups

In Load Manager, use the Import-Export buttons to transfer Load Group and Load Case data.

Archicad imports these data in either XML or SAF format.

Archicad exports these data only in XML format


Related Topics

Load Case Settings

Load Group Settings