Filter Openings for Structural Analytical Model

These settings filter 2D Members of the Structural Analytical Model to account for small holes and narrow strips which are unimportant structurally, and can be ignored in the exported model.

Use the Openings Panel of the Structural Analytical Model Generation Rules dialog box.


Ignore openings smaller than or equal to

Check this to define whether small openings in 2D Members should be ignored in the Structure Analytical Model.

In this context, “openings” can be any of the following:

In the 2D Member of a Slab or Roof: Opening, Skylight, inner polygon of Slab, hole as a result of Solid Element Operation

In the 2D Member of a Wall: Opening, Door, Window, hole as a result of Solid Element Operation

In the Generation Rules dialog, enter two dimensions to define a “small” opening.

Any opening of these dimensions or smaller will be ignored in the Structural Analytical model, and will not be represented.

To exempt any particular 2D Member from this rule: you can disable the “Ignore small openings” filter in element Settings.

See Allow Rule-based modifications - 2D Member.

Remove 2D Member parts narrower than or equal to

Check this to remove very narrow parts of a 2D Member from the 2D Member surface.

For example, the narrow strip left over between two openings, or the Wall’s remaining part after the window opening has been cut out).

This “Remove narrow parts” filter cannot be disabled at the element level.


Let’s assume that a Wall contains two openings, one for a window (1000x1000mm) and another for a ventilation duct (200x200mm). For structural analysis purposes, the opening for the ventilation duct does not have a significant impact on the structural behavior of the Wall: thus, the structural analysis software should ignore this opening.

After applying these Rules, we see the result: the smaller opening is not considered in the Structural Analytical model, and the narrow Wall part (adjoining the larger opening) is also excluded.

HoleFilteringStart.png  HoleFilteringResult.png

Effect of Opening Filter on 2D Member