Additional Data Assignment and Input

There are two necessary energy calculation input data types in addition to the information that comes directly from the BIM:

Space boundary (Structures and Openings) property settings

Auxiliary data assignment and input

These input data are described in the following sections:

Thermal Block Property Settings

Structure Property Settings

Opening Property Settings

Climate Data

Environment Settings

Operation Profiles

Building Systems

Energy Source Factors

Energy Costs

Bring up the Model Review Palette by selecting Design > Energy Evaluation. The three tab pages of this palette (Thermal Blocks, Structures and Openings) list data populated by the Automatic model geometry analysis. Additional data beyond the information that comes from the building model must be assigned to the ArchiCAD model data on the Thermal Blocks, Structures, and Openings lists.

Prior to manual editing, the fields of Model Review Palette tab pages that contain additional data are filled with default values. Fine-tune the building energy model by editing this data manually, using the function buttons on the lists.

To modify the editable values for any property, select the property from the list.

In List view, you can edit multiple entries. Select the first entry that needs to be modified. Then add further entries to the selection by moving the pointer with the mouse without releasing the left mouse button, or by clicking on the entries while pressing the CTRL or the SHIFT key. Use the function buttons that appear by the first selected line to modify properties of all selected list entries.

If any of the data on the lists are insufficient for simulation input, the list entry that contains it is automatically highlighted with red, and a warning symbol (exclamation mark in a yellow triangle) appears at the data field in question.