Quick Options Bar

The Quick Options Bar is shown by default at the bottom of the ARCHICAD window.

Use Window > Show/Hide Quick Options Bar to display or hide it as needed.


The controls of the Quick Options Bar show the current settings of the currently active tab.

Use the Quick Options controls as a quick way to apply changes among these settings.


See Zoom.


See Set Orientation.

Layer Combination: Changing this setting applies a new Layer Combination to the view.

See Layer Combinations.

Scale: Changing this setting applies a new scale to the currently active window.

See Scale.

Partial Structure Display: Changing this setting applies a new Partial Structure Setting to the currently active window.

See Partial Structure Display.

Pen Set: Changing this setting applies a new pen set to the model. (Not available in the Layout window.)

See Pens & Colors.

Model View Options Combination: Changing this setting applies a new Model View Options Combination to the whole project.

See Model View Options Combinations.

Graphic Overrides Combination: Applies a set of Graphic Override Rules to the view.

See Graphic Overrides.

Renovation Filter: Choose a Renovation Filter to assign to the view.

See Renovation.

Dimensions: Changing this setting applies a new Dimensioning standard to the whole project. (Not available in the 3D window)

See Dimensions Preferences.

Quick Options Palette

Use this palette as an alternative to the Quick Options Bar.

To hide/show the Quick Options Palette, use Windows > Palettes > Quick Options Palette.
