Interactive Schedule

Use the Interactive Schedule function to generate schedules. The Interactive Schedule not only displays quantities and other parameters - you can actually edit it. Any changes you make in these fields of the Schedule are automatically and instantly reflected in the Floor Plan and in other views, when activated. Conversely, all changes made on these elements in the Floor Plan or another editable view are updated in the Schedule when you return to it.

Schedules are viewpoints, which you can save as views and output as drawings on a Layout, or save in various other file formats.

See Saving from a Schedule Window (Interactive Schedule).

A formatted schedule can be placed into any 2D window (typically a Worksheet), by using Copy/Paste. The contents of the schedule, after pasting, will consist of lines and text, which you can freely edit, but will no longer be associative to the model.

Topics in this section:

Types of Interactive Schedules

Units in Interactive Schedules

Open and View a Schedule

Show Schedule Data for Selected Floor Plan Items

Editing and Updating Schedule Items

Define Schedule Content Using Scheme Settings

Element Listing Parameters in the Interactive Schedule

Component Listing Parameters in the Interactive Schedule

Create Schedule of Surfaces

Format a Schedule

Schedule Headers

Previews and Pictures in the Interactive Schedule

Restructure Schedule to Fit Layout

Split Schedule into Multiple Layouts

For Teamwork Users:

See Reservation in Interactive Schedules (Teamwork).