Element Properties and Classification Systems

What are Properties?

Properties are optional, user-defined data assigned to an element to provide additional, searchable information.

Examples of element properties:

General Ratings (e.g. Fire Resistance Rating, Thermal Transmittance)

Openings (e.g. fire exit, security rating)

Product Information (e.g. model, serial number, price)

Use the Property Manager (Options > Property Manager) to create and delete properties and customize their availability. Property availability depends on each element’s Classification.

What you can do with Element Properties

List and manage them in the Interactive Schedule

Display them in Labels, Zone Stamps, Door/Window Markers

Display elements by property, using Graphic Overrides

Import and export them among applications

Export data structure to spreadsheet, then import property data from spreadsheets into ARCHICAD elements

What is Classification?

Classification is used:

To organize project elements and their related data

To define which properties are available to an element (an element’s available properties depend on its Classification)

To provide mandatory deliverables based on international Classification Standards

To ensure accurate data exchange with other applications, e.g. using the IFC standard

To Find & Select elements by Classification: for example, search for all elements classified as Ramps within the UniClass classification system

To apply Graphic Override Rules based on element Classification

Use the Classification Manager (Options > Classification Manager) to manage Classifications and Classifications Systems, and to customize their available properties.

ARCHICAD comes with a default Classification System, but depending on your working methods and local standards, you may want to use different or additional Classification Systems.

The following sections describe ARCHICAD functions related to working with Properties and Classifications:

Assign Classifications to Elements

Assign Classifications/Properties in Element Schedule

Show Property Data in Labels and Markers

Default Value of Element Property

Expression-Defined Properties

Expression-Defined Properties: Examples

Element Properties in Hotlinks

Property Manager

Classification Manager

Import/Export Property Data via Spreadsheet

Import BIM Content