Physical Model Quality Check


The Physical Model Quality check helps you ensure that the Physical Model is correct, by filtering for certain modeling and geometric anomalies. As with other types of Model Checking, the results (listed in the Model Check Report) draw your attention to potential issues.

Thus, you will probably run the Physical Model Quality Check before applying the Adjustment Rules and generating the Structural Analytical Model.

The Physical Model Quality Check dialog contains a checklist of parameters. You can check the model based on all the listed parameters, or just some of them. Each parameter is briefly described below (see Physical Model Check Parameters).

The limit/tolerance values of these parameters can be customized - e.g. to conform to modeling standards, or to the rules of your structural analysis software.

How the Physical Model Quality Check Works

Focuses on physical construction elements (not 1D and 2D Members)

Construction elements are considered regardless of their Structural Function (except for one parameter: see Another Load-Bearing Element closer than)

Only visible elements are checked

If elements are selected: only the selected elements are checked

Run the Physical Model Quality Check

In the 3D/Floor Plan/Section window:

1.Open Design > Model Check > Physical Model Quality


2.The Physical Model Quality Check is based on the listed parameters (see Physical Model Check Parameters for details). Uncheck any parameter that should not be considered.

3.Click Check.

4.The Model Check Report opens to show results.

See Model Check Report.