
Labels are optional text blocks or symbols linked to construction elements and 2D fills. Labels allow you to identify or comment elements or parts of your design.

Labels can be framed or unframed, with leader and arrowhead. They can contain custom text specification, predefined automatic texts, or a symbol.

See Label Tool Settings.

There are three kinds of labels:

Independent labels are manually placed in the Floor Plan or in a Section/Elevation/IE or 3D Document window using the Label tool. Typically, you will use an independent label to display information that does not come from the model (e.g. “install snow picks here”).

Associative labels can be added to placed elements or assigned automatically when the element is created. Typically, you will use associative labels to identify model elements and their parameters.

Member labels can be added, in Section/Elevation windows only, to any individual Curtain Wall member.

Topics in this section:

Placing Independent Labels

Placing Associative Labels

Search for Elements by Label Text

Placing Member Labels on Curtain Walls

Tool-Specific Default Labels

Define Default Text Content of Text Labels

Symbol Labels