Fill Types Dialog Box

Use the Options > Element Attributes > Fill Types dialog box to define and/or edit fill types and patterns, and determine the category of each particular Fill (Drafting Fill, Cut Fill, and/or Cover Fill).

For details on Fills and how to use them, see Fills.


Choose a predefined Fill from the pop-up list at the top of the dialog box. Either edit its properties directly, or choose one of the following commands:

New: Click this button to create a new fill Type. In the appearing dialog box, choose one of the following options:


Solid: Solid fills display a foreground only. You can set any opacity value in percentage for a solid fill.

Symbol: Use this option to create a fill type based on a customized stencil of 2D drawing elements copied from an ArchiCAD window.

Image: Use this option to create a drafting-type fill based on an imported image.

Duplicate: Use this option to create a new fill type by duplicating the selected fill type under a new name and editing its properties.

Rename: Click this button to change the name of an existing Fill type. Type the new name in the subsequent dialog.

Delete: Click this button to remove selected Fill types from the Fill list.

See Delete and Replace Attributes in a Model.

Related topics:

Fill Availability and Screen-Only Pattern Panel

Fill Edit Vectorial Pattern Panel

Fill Appearance Panel

Fill Edit Symbol Pattern Panel

Fill Texture Panel