Migrating from ARCHICAD 13

Listing of Label Information

Guide Lines and Snap Points Migration

Migrating on a Mac

Surface Catalogs

Migration of Rendering/Surface Settings to CineRender

Migration of Lights and Lamp Settings

Display of Elements in Interior Elevations

Collision Detection Checkbox for Building Materials

Images from QuickTime Formats

Visualization of Transparent Elements

Migrating EcoDesigner or Energy Evaluation Data

Migrating Libraries to ARCHICAD 19

Migrating a Teamwork Project (v. 13-18) to ARCHICAD 19

Building Materials: Attribute Migration Issues

Changed Intersection Function

Link to Story

Reveal Depth

Core-Based Wall Reference Line

Core-Based Reference Plane for Slab

Migrating Roofs and Skylights

Changed Renovation Features

VR Scenes and VR Objects No Longer Supported

Migration of Exported Options Files (.xml, .aat, .prf)

Minimal Space Extended to Doors