Project Markup

A Markup entry is a set of logically related corrections (suggested new elements), highlights, text tag and comment. Markup entries are displayed using the Markup Style you choose.

Note: Markup Styles are an attribute, defined at Options > Element Attributes > Markup Styles.

To add and manage Markup Entries, use the Markup Tools Palette.

To open it, do one of the following:

Document > Markup Tools

Shortcut from the Standard Toolbar

MarkupFull.png        MarkupCommand.png

Related Topics:

Add New Markup Entry

Mark Up the Model View

Display of Markup Items

Manage Markup Entries

Teamwork and Project Markup

Export/Import Markup Using BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)

Export/Import Markup Using PDF

Markup Styles Dialog Box

Detect IFC Model Changes

Collision Detection